Through house calls, we hope to provide a service that is not commonly offered by medical professionals. If you are unfamiliar with the reasons and benefits related to house calls, let us help:

•  Homebound individuals due to either chronic disease/illness or disability;
•  A compromised immune system that requires you to avoid public places;
•  In too much pain or discomfort to drive or otherwise come into the office;
•  Currently fighting an illness that you hope to prevent from spreading by avoiding public places, but a desire to accelerate your healing process through an adjustment;
•  Recovering from giving birth;
•  Newborn baby (with a yet undeveloped immune system) that you’d rather not be taking into public yet;
•  Have young children you’d rather not wrangle into the office;
•  Have a sick child;
•  A caregiver for a homebound individual who finds it tough to get away;
•  A vehicle that is currently not running, no vehicle, or an inability to drive;
•  Not enough time to come to an office appointment;
•  Are an individual who is just much more comfortable in their home!