Dr. Bell became a believer in chiropractic care after a life changing accident in 1999 when he began receiving regular adjustments. However, it wasn’t until after several years of being a contractor in NWA and dealing with ever increasing pain and the breakdown of his body that he decided to pursue his dream of becoming a doctor of chiropractic himself. He and his family sold their home, moved states, and nearly 4 years later graduated from Cleveland Chiropractic College in Overland Park, KS.

Dr. Bell and his wife, Jessica, loved living in NWA and were glad to move back to Fayetteville to start a new practice in the area. Dr. Bell and his family love all that Fayetteville and the surrounding areas have to offer. You are likely to see us out at locally owned restaurants, Gulley Park, the Mulberry river, or hiking at the Buffalo river.